2022 Young Architect Award Names 3 Outstanding Wisconsin Architects
The AIA Wisconsin Young Architect Award was established in 2020 to honor individuals who, in the early stage of their professional career, have demonstrated exceptional leadership and contributed notably to the profession of architecture and the community at large. Architects licensed ten or fewer years are eligible for the award. The award recognizes architectural talent and contributions in one or more of the following categories: design excellence, practice, education and service.
This year AIA Wisconsin is pleased to announce that they have awarded three Young Architect Awards for outstanding service. The recipients are Matthew Clapper, AIA, Michael Ford, AIA and Brandon Reinke, AIA.

Matthew Clapper, AIA
Matthew Clapper, AIA, is Principal/Founder of Modern Architecture & Development and an incredible advocate for AIA and the profession. His nomination notes: “On the local and national level, Matthew has been a driving force for the SFx (Small Firm Exchange)… Recognized as a leader, he was quickly elevated to the AIA National SFx Regional Representative, and within three years, rose to the Chair position in 2021. He has continued to work on numerous initiatives to improve communication and better on-board new members, as well as create more cross collaboration amidst AIA national committees.” In addition to his national level involvement, Matthew has been active in AIA Wisconsin through the Conference Committee, the Interior Design Task Force and the Wisconsin Small Firm Exchange Group. Matthew received his license in 2017.

Michael Ford, AIA, NOMA
Michael Ford, AIA, NOMA, has contributed to our profession in a creatively profound way. “Utilizing nontraditional media outlets for architecture, Ford has been relentless in his efforts to increase the visibility of our profession to youth. Ford’s “thought leadership” and design-approach was featured in Rolling Stone Magazine, Essence Magazine, Vibe Magazine, (and) Time Magazine for Kids. Ford’s work is included in a Hulu Documentary titled, “Design For All”… In 2018 Ford launched Hip Hop For Humanity, an initiative which pairs Hip Hop artists and architects to complete humanitarian projects. In 2016 Ford created The Hip Hop Architecture Camp, which posits that Hip Hop culture is a catalyst for introducing underrepresented youth to architecture, design, and urban planning. He created the program as part of a community engagement initiative for “Imagine Madison,” a twenty-five-year planning project by The City of Madison. Since its inception, The Hip Hop Architecture Camp has served over two thousand youth around the United States and incredibly, free of charge to all the participants.” Michael received his license in 2021.

Brandon Reinke, AIA
Brandon Reinke, AIA, is an architect with Galbraith Carnahan Architects in Wauwatosa, serving as a designer and project manager. Brandon’s work includes many community based organizations as clients that can quite challenging, particularly for a young practitioner. His designs have married beauty, function and economics. These projects align with what motivates Brandon as an architect, namely the ability to improve the city and people’s lives through visionary projects. In the nomination statement partner Nick Carnahan, AIA noted: “As our firm has expanded, Brandon has grown into a mentor within the firm. He is responsible to the younger staff in his “Sherpa” role helping them set goals, gain proficiency, and learn how buildings come together. He has extended this mentoring role outside of the office as our MentArch liaison with SARUP. Brandon is the key point of contact for UWM students within the firm and provides a great real-world perspective to them.” Brandon received his license in 2016.
The winners will be celebrated at the 2022 Design Awards Gala on September 16, 2022, in Milwaukee, WI.